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Lunar calendar and horoscope on 13 February 2025

Category: Horoscopes » Daily » Lunar » 2025

Date: 13 February 2025
Day of the week: Thursday

Moon rise: in 18 hrs. 30 min.
Moon sunset: in 08 hrs. 33 min.
Moon illumination percentage: 99%

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Lunar zodiac
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 04 hrs. 07 min.
LeoLeo. Regardless of what your Moon sign is, a couple days each month we all feel the influence of the Leo Moon. When the Moon is moving through Leo, regardless of how you normally feel, you will have a stronger desire to let others how you feel. You’ll be more apt to tell people that you love them, or express your appreciation for them. This might also be a time when there’s a strong urge to turn the romance and passion in your life up a notch.
Because Leo craves attention and adoration, a Leo Moon could leave you feeling more insecure than usual which could lead to a dramatic flare-up if your needs aren’t met. If you are a bit more sensitive and vulnerable during this transit, ask those around you for the reassurance you crave.
Leo is a sign of ideas and a sign of expressing yourself. You’ll be inclined to pursue an artistic outlet such as dance or theater, or a business endeavor of some kind. It could also be a time of getting out and socializing so that you... More
From 04 hrs. 07 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
VirgoVirgo. No matter which Sun sign you were born under, for a few days each month, we all feel like a Virgo. Because Virgo loves order and cleanliness, you’ll feel a stronger urge to organize your living spaces during the Virgo Moon transit. This is also an excellent time to work on any projects as this diligent sign has an uncanny ability to analyze the critical details most of us would miss!
Virgos loves to lend a helping hand, so don’t be surprised if you are the first person to volunteer when a friend asks for a favor. Don’t be mistaken - you won’t feel obligated in the least bit. Because Virgos love to pitch in, you’ll not only want to come to someone’s aid, but you’ll also get extreme satisfaction from it. What can we say? This sign truly enjoys being of service to others.
When the Moon is in Virgo, you may feel more motivated to take your health more seriously. You might find yourself re-evaluating your diet and nutrition, or possibly taking up a new ... More
Lunar day
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 18 hrs. 30 min.
15 lunar day15 lunar day. The symbol is a snake, a winged jackal (a winged communicationsman between Isis and Osiris), in the Indian tradition - cobra. The names of this day are "Fire Serpent" and "Jackal with Wings". A free soul is experienced in astral battles and carnal temptations.
This day is considered satanic, during which there are astral battles, the temptations of the flesh. It is necessary to protect justice. The dream that day will be prophetic for a whole month. You can not succumb to temptations on this day, there are apples and quarrels. A good sign is a dog.
In the first half of the day there may be difficulties in professional and family relations. The main problems will be created because of ambition and the desire to shift all responsibility and part of their work to someone. It is possible to realize everything conceived, but through other people and by other methods. New ideas and thoughts may arise.
All the romance meetings and appointments scheduled for the fifteenth lunar day ar... More
From 18 hrs. 30 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
16 lunar day16 lunar day. The symbol is a butterfly, a dove, a ladder leading to the sky, Psyche (personification of the human soul in Ancient Greece, usually depicted as a butterfly or a young girl with butterfly wings).
This is one of the few pure days. During this day, there is harmony, justice, balance. On these days it is necessary to know the measure in everything, to maintain inner comfort. It is impossible to show envy, anger, unceremonious behavior and cries are forbidden. Sexual relations on this day are also contraindicated. It is not desirable to eat mushrooms and animal food. No need to kill birds. If you find mud on your clothes, it means that you are spiritually impure.
In general, this day enhances the aura of each person. Such a lunar day can be considered favorable, especially for creative and spiritual people. They can realize many of their plans in life and at the highest level show skills and talents. And weak-willed and uninitiated people, cosmic influences can push for renewal.
T... More
Lunar phase
15 lunar dayThe moon is in the Waning Crescent phase. The third lunar phase covers the period from the full moon to the beginning of the fourth quarter. At the full moon, there is a peak in the accumulation of vital and mental energy, which subsequently gradually decreases.
During this period, activity begins to decrease, and a frequent change of states, ideas and judgments comes. When the experience and forces accumulated over the past phases continue energetically to start implementing plans.
In this period of the lunar month, the first results of the previously invested efforts are already distinguishable. Occurring mood changes can relate not only to the business field, but also to personal life.
A great period to break free from old habits, you can also try something new. In a relationship, this is a time of rapprochement and romance at the highest level. The third phase is great for self-development, self-improvement and creation.
Day of the week
Day of the week: ThursdayThursday. Jupiter gives a desire to expand the scope of activity and sphere of influence, it is associated with the growth of various problems, with an increase in success. Lucky people on Thursday have the opportunity to increase their happiness, but those who are constantly harassed by problems can see how small difficulties begin to grow to incredible proportions. To prevent this from happening, Thursday is important ability to quickly solve problems. On this day, you should not give problems time for development. Even small disputes at home or at work should be tried to smooth out right away, otherwise a great hostility to each other, a serious conflict will grow out of them. Not to start problems, to suppress their growth on the vine on the day of Jupiter is important in all areas of life. On this day, you need to try not to argue with anyone at all, much less to quarrel, not to give cause for dissatisfaction with yourself. If the boss on Thursday convicts you of professional illiteracy, ... More

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