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Category: Horoscopes » Zodiac lunar horoscope

Leo: zodiac lunar horoscope

Considering this sign of the zodiac, we are dealing with a constellation, which is named after one (first) of the twelve exploits of Heracles. The antique hero strangled the huge Leo with his bare hands, majestically reclining near the city of Nemea and poisoning the life of its inhabitants. Concerning the origin of the geometrical outlines of the sign, opinions differ. Some researchers believe that the symbol of Leo is an embellished and stylized spelling of the Greek letter lambda, others appeal to some medieval documents, where the sign of Leo appeared in a much more similar form to nature, and consider the modern version a simplification (only the mane and tail remained of the poor animal). The channels of influence of magical forces on a person born under the sign of Leo are the heart, lungs and liver.

Taking the relic animal to heaven, destroyed by the poacher Heracles, Olympus' gods showed unprecedented generosity in relation to the beast. Already one ruling planet - the Sun - in itself is more than a generous reward. Leo became a fiery sign, energetic, warm, sincere. But the gods made Leo also a sign of the victors, giving him stability and thereby showing their own desire to help the Leos on the path to success and power. And finally, the gods agreed to give Leo control of the fifth house of the horoscope, which knows love, theater, and sensual pleasures.

The Moon in the Zodiac Sign Leo is visiting the Sun. The interaction of the planets has a positive effect on people. Love, increased joy from everyday little things, good mood, desire to prove oneself in creativity, and also, despite some lightness and lightness, a conscious and reasonable approach in any situation. These days, the Earth’s satellite, called the «Demonstrative Moon» during this period, becomes magically attractive, changes energy flows, directing them in a completely different direction.

When the Moon is in Leo

Regardless of what your Moon sign is, a couple days each month we all feel the influence of the Leo Moon. When the Moon is moving through Leo, regardless of how you normally feel, you will have a stronger desire to let others how you feel. You’ll be more apt to tell people that you love them, or express your appreciation for them. This might also be a time when there’s a strong urge to turn the romance and passion in your life up a notch.

Because Leo craves attention and adoration, a Leo Moon could leave you feeling more insecure than usual which could lead to a dramatic flare-up if your needs aren’t met. If you are a bit more sensitive and vulnerable during this transit, ask those around you for the reassurance you crave.

Leo is a sign of ideas and a sign of expressing yourself. You’ll be inclined to pursue an artistic outlet such as dance or theater, or a business endeavor of some kind. It could also be a time of getting out and socializing so that you can "perform" for others. After all, all the world’s a stage during the Moon in Leo!

Days of Leo are giving everyone a light, cheerful mood. It seems to us, that we are capable of almost anything and the world is at our feet. We would like to be praised by everyone and receive compliments. In this days, if you will give a good word to others - you will certainly get the same respond.

Those days are good for holidays and fun. If you would like your presentation or party to succeed, organize it in Leo's day. It is advisable to dress smartly and to go somewhere, where there is a lot of people and prevails the festive atmosphere: a theater, a concert, a visit. In those days, people give particular attention to the exterior: be sure, the way you look will be noticed. So do not be lazy if you want to make a favorable impression.

Born with the Moon in Leo

Individuals with the moon in Leo have an innate need of being in control and always like to be in the limelight. These people often exhibit a tendency of being talented organizers. Basically, they want to create and entertain, although they are not too keen to shape up things as they actually want them to be. They often like to boss around people and love to delegate jobs and tasks to others, in which they excel thoroughly. Most often or not, they are popular amongst people due to their dynamic personality and are also sociable. They like people to be around them, so that they can sense their own importance and get to exercise their power through leadership. Although these people are one of the most generous, they hate ingratitude and thus want people to thank them whenever they do a favour or two to anyone. These individuals enjoy their sense of freedom and are protective about it. They have an artistic flair attached to their personality and may be connected to arts in some way or the other or just plainly interested in it. They possess a sense of poise and a natural aura of authority along with pride. Such individuals don't normally exhibit the tendency of taking extreme risks unless they are sure that they are going to succeed. They don't like to face defeat publicly as they feel it will depict their personality in a negative sense to others.

Individuals with the moon in Leo are popular amongst people and have a dynamic, pleasing personality. They often tend to have a people centric approach and are generous to others. They love to shower favours on others and are very much giving and kind in nature. They have an inherent sense of fair play in them and are always open to reason. These people are very passionate in nature and usually live their life to the fullest. They are born leaders and can handle power with ease, a quality that comes naturally to them. Such individuals have a lot of integrity and have a strong sense of justice. Such individuals tend to be very idealistic in nature and don't hesitate to make a personal sacrifice if the need arises and if they believe in that particular cause. They may be materialistic, but they also have a huge sense of responsibility and carry out the tasks entrusted to them with great dedication and honour. Another positive quality about them is that they generally don't fall apart when confronted with bad times and face such times with grit and determination. Also, when they are experiencing good and happy times, they are ever ready to share their happiness with others and thus spread cheer all around.

Individuals with the moon in Leo always want to hog the limelight and always desire that the attention of everyone should be focussed on them. Thus, they are attention seekers and love to dominate other people. They posses the tendency of always telling others what to do and thus always give commands to others, without themselves taking on full responsibility. In other words, such individuals always want to assume the role of leadership and seldom accept the authority of others. They tend to be over dramatic if they feel they have been insulted or their leadership role is not accepted, and resort to sulking in order to express their disenchantment. For such individuals, social status is everything because they always want to project an image of pelf and power to others, helping them to grab power. They also tend to be vain and snobbish in nature. They thus may look down upon others whom they feel are not of the same standard and status as they themselves are. Such individuals are also prone to bragging and over exaggerating. They are proud and tend to be stubborn too at times. They are also very egoistical in nature and do not take advice well, although they are always willing to give advice to others.

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