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Lunar calendar and horoscope on 5 November 2024

Category: Horoscopes » Daily » Lunar » 2024

Date: 5 November 2024
Day of the week: Tuesday

Moon rise: in 12 hrs. 48 min.
Moon sunset: in 17 hrs. 54 min.
Moon illumination percentage: 14%

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Lunar zodiac
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 18 hrs. 18 min.
SagittariusSagittarius. No matter what your Moon sign is, we are all honorary Sagittarians when the Moon moves through that sign. The energy of Sagittarius is very expansive, free, and visionary. If you’re normally very pragmatic or cynical, you might find that you’re a little more optimistic than usual. Your mind will start considering all the possibilities of a situation rather than just focusing on the potential roadblocks. Your thoughts could end up in uncharted territory!
A Sagittarius Moon will renew your sense of adventure, and you could have the desire to pick something (no matter how big or small) and just go for it. Sagittarius loves the idea of traveling and expanding their horizon. This can be something physical like traveling to a faraway place, or taking their mind on a trip with an education pursuit. Don’t be surprised if you have the urge to register for that class you’ve been thinking about taking, or if you decide to book a last-minute vacation during this transit.... More
From 18 hrs. 18 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
CapricornCapricorn. When the Moon moves into the conservative sign of Capricorn, we tend to be a little bit more cautious, a little more serious, and a little more grounded than we normally are. Capricorn is a sign that means business! Instead of being concerned with short-term satisfaction, you’ll be more inclined to dig in and focus on your long-term goals.
During the Capricorn Moon you might find that you have an increased desire for professional success. The good news is that this industrious Earth sign also gives you a shot of determination to achieve whatever it is you’ve set your sights on. Capricorn is a natural born leader so you may end up volunteering to head up a big project at work. You might also feel the urge to start looking at the next stage of your career and map out how you’ll get there.... More
Lunar day
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 12 hrs. 48 min.
4 lunar day4 lunar day. A symbol is a tree, a tree of knowledge, a choice between good and evil. The taste of his fetus, as is known, leads to the fall. According to Albert the Great, this day refers to the fall of man.
It is marked to make a choice between good and evil deeds. Unfortunately, such a day is the first among the unfavorable. But at the same time he is endowed with a dual characteristic, he is both a positive and negative day. At this time, do not take quick decisions, it's better to think about ten times, and then make a decision. Not recommended teamwork, you can not cut trees, tear flowers. It is advised to walk more in the forest on such a day, you can spin, disband the thread. It is said that people who were born on this lunar day have some kind of cosmic mystery, but they must know it themselves. Recommended stones on this day: amazonite, green jade, sardonyx.
Favorable is the first half of the day. You will find peace of mind, and the ability to communicate will increase. Also this d... More
From 12 hrs. 48 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
5 lunar day5 lunar day. Symbol - oil for fire, unicorn, signifying fidelity to principles, duty.
It means fidelity to one's principles, duty. It is necessary to pay great attention to this lunar day. Because it is symbolized with the beginning of the assimilation of food and its transformation. It is better to prefer dairy products and to forbid. It's good to go somewhere on such a day, to collect, dry and tincture herbs. You can not starve and fuss.
The first half of this lunar day is not entirely favorable. Confusion and indecision increase, faith in oneself diminishes. Many people in the first half of the day will need the ability and ability to resist negative influences from the outside. It will require great awareness. In the first half of the lunar day, contacts with partners and superiors will be difficult. However, the second half of the lunar day will have to get to support the authorities, new colleagues or friends. This lunar day means an increase in the person's sexual potential, which mean... More
Lunar phase
4 lunar dayThe moon is in phase Waxing crescent. The first lunar phase counts from the new moon to the beginning of the first quarter of the moon (beginning of the second phase). At this time, the moon is located at the beginning of its growth. The first phase is characterized by an increase in energy for accomplishing planned tasks.
During this period, it is recommended to make plans and start new projects, weigh and outline development plans for new ideas, carefully analyze problems and questions, both for the future period and those that remain unrealized from the previous lunar month.
At the physiological level, in the first lunar phase, the body accumulates strength. Energy is still quite small in all areas of life, whether it is health, personal life or business.
As in work, in the personal sphere, there is a stage of rethinking the current relationship and it is likely to bring them to the highest level. New connections and acquaintances quickly arise. Together with the growth of the moon during this period, vital energy also increases.
Day of the week
Day of the week: TuesdayTuesday. Tuesday is controlled by the fiery Mars - the warrior planet. Mars has a sharp character, it can make us look for thrills on Tuesday, provoke us to harsh statements and actions. Fiery, assertive Mars gives us decisiveness, courage, willpower, therefore Tuesday is the most suitable day for the manifestation of strong features of his character. If someone considers you a rag, a dodger, it is easiest to prove the opposite to him on Tuesday. On this day, you can prove to yourself that you are a strong person. Mars will help you decide on something that previously lacked courage.
Mars is a planet of speed, uncontrolled desires, instincts. On Tuesday, "procrastination is like death". This day is better not to put off anything until later, and if you tell someone: “Why do today what can be postponed until tomorrow?” - your authority will drop in his eyes. Such words can be said on Saturday - the day of calm Saturn, but not on Tuesday. Try to do everything quickly on Tuesday a... More

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