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Category: Horoscopes » Zodiac lunar horoscope

Capricorn: zodiac lunar horoscope

Perhaps the image of a capricorn as a horned monster with a fish tail originates in the Greek legend of Pan. The country god Pan was in such a hurry, fleeing the thousand-headed monster named Typhon, that he jumped into the Nile without thinking that he had just initiated the process of his own transformation into a goat. As a result, the transformation took place at the moment when he, jumping as a «soldier», prepared to smoothly enter the water. The part of his powerful organism that remained above the water really turned into the corresponding organs of the goat, but the other part, which had already managed to plunge into the water, became a fish tail. The channels of communication with space for people born under the sign of Capricorn are bones, knees, teeth and skin. The geometric meaning of the sign is interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, the sign of Capricorn can be interpreted as a monogram of letters that begin with the Greek word with the meaning «goat», and on the other hand, visually the sign breaks perfectly into horns and tail.

Capricorn is a sign of the Earth under the auspices of Saturn. The astrological characteristic of the ruling planet gave the English language a new word: the adjective «saturnian», which means «gloomy», «lead». Usually a sluggish, inert, gloomy character is meant. All astrologers believe that this is the most accurate characteristic of Capricorn.

The moon in Capricorn is called «Restrained». It is located in the house of Saturn on the throne of Mars in the Earth element. The combination of the influence of the god of patience and trials with the influence of the god of will and swift courage explains the behavior, inclinations, aspirations, mood and emotional state of people during this period. The moon in Capricorn is a period when you can calmly talk with other people, find out relationships, avoid problems, plan your future.

When the Moon is in Capricorn

When the Moon moves into the conservative sign of Capricorn, we tend to be a little bit more cautious, a little more serious, and a little more grounded than we normally are. Capricorn is a sign that means business! Instead of being concerned with short-term satisfaction, you’ll be more inclined to dig in and focus on your long-term goals.

During the Capricorn Moon you might find that you have an increased desire for professional success. The good news is that this industrious Earth sign also gives you a shot of determination to achieve whatever it is you’ve set your sights on. Capricorn is a natural born leader so you may end up volunteering to head up a big project at work. You might also feel the urge to start looking at the next stage of your career and map out how you’ll get there.

Emotions are gone to the background. Now here comes the time for a sense of duty and responsibility. In those days in all our actions, we take in the account only the considerations of expediency and we strongly reject any fleeting desires and whims. For example, coming into the store in the days of Capricorn, we will not in any way get seduced by a beautiful trinket or an extra portion of ice cream. We will buy only what we urgently need at the moment - say, a loaf of bread and a packet of washing powder. We will most likely pass the counter with cosmetics and perfumes without much interest, unless we urgently need a piece of soap or a toothpaste.

During these days, people may become indifferent and even cruel to each other, because the capacity for empathy and sensitivity to the troubles and problems of the others is significantly reduced.

However, the same can be bravely stated not only about the strangers's emotions but also about our own. In the days of Capricorn, we are not inclined to have much mercy not only to the others but also to ourselves.

At this time we are much more obeying to the logical mind. And so it is best to engage in some professional activities, that are not related to art and creativity, and require accuracy, precision and strict adherence to the duty. It is useful in this days to bring things in order in your workplace, to put everything on the right shelves, to arrange all your belongings and categorize them.

Born with the Moon in Capricorn

With the moon in Capricorn, these individuals nurture a strong urge to be productive. Even when they are undergoing emotional troubles, from the outside they appear to be calm and composed. These people are efficient and set practical and realistic goals for themselves, and work hard to achieve them. They keep reviewing the situation and never take any undue risks. They love to play it safe in any given circumstance, and plan their strategies carefully. They will never show their emotional side, and project themselves as being totally in charge of a situation. They are prone to hide their inner softer side and wish to be perceived by others as being relaxed. They may sometimes give the impression that they are unemotional and cunning, but they are not like that in reality. They just don't like to wear their hearts on their sleeves, and like to be meticulous and competent. They understand their own shortcomings well and make an extra effort to overcome them. They have a strong need to be respected by others.

With the moon in Capricorn, these individuals are practical and efficient. They like to set achievable goals for themselves and work hard to achieve them. They possess a strong sense of purpose. They are patient and have the ability to cope up with difficult situations. They are very responsible persons and can be relied upon, both in the domestic and professional spheres. They like to get their own way in most things. They are determined and very ambitious too. This quality, along with their ability of working hard, makes them very successful in whatever work they undertake. They tend to do well in public positions. Usually, these individuals are highly intelligent and they know the value of knowledge, and use it to their best advantage. They are dignified people who like to concentrate hard on the job at hand. They don't like to waste their time and are great at motivating others, as they lead by example.

With the moon in Capricorn, these individuals find it difficult to deal with emotions and are actually scared of such delicate issues. They can be too harsh on themselves. Quite often they feel that they give more than they get in return. In a relationship, they can be insensitive to the needs and emotions of their beloved. They worry too much, and find it extremely difficult to relate to those who have different values and beliefs. They have a hard time discussing their own troubles. It is difficult for them to feel relaxed and satisfied with what they have. They also have a strong fear of rejection. Another negative quality of these individuals is that unless everything is clear cut, they can feel very insecure. They also find it difficult to let go of anger and resentment, which can lead to adverse effects on their health.

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