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Ramachandra Vijayotsava

Category: Hindu holidays

Ramachandra Vijayotsava
13 October 2024  sunday
02 October 2025  thursday
21 October 2026  wednesday
09 October 2027  saturday

27 days before

Ramachandra Vijayotsava is the festival commemorating the victory of Krishna's avatar of Ramachandra over the demonic king Ravana. The entire history of Rama and His conflict with Ravana is the subject of the epic Ramayana. Ramachandra's appearance and activities on earth also appear in the Ninth Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam.

Devotees of Krishna and Rama traditionally stage joyful reenactments of Rama's heroic victory on this day and burn an effigy of Ravana, accompanied by fireworks, kirtan, and feasting.

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