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Shravana Purnima

Category: Hindu holidays

Shravana Purnima
09 August 2025  saturday
28 August 2026  friday
17 August 2027  tuesday

327 days before

Full moon days in Hindu calendar are known as Purnima in North Indian states, Pournami in South Indian states and Poonam in Gujarat. All Purnima days in Hindu calendar are significant as Purnima days either coincides with important festivals or Jayanti days in the calendar.

Apart from festivals and Jayanti days, many families traditionally observe a day long fast on Purnimasi days in the year. Full moon days are also very significant to perform Satya Narayana Puja.

The Purnima in the month of Shravana is considered very auspicious and sacred in hindu religion. The rituals performed on the day of Shravana have a special significance. The ‘Yagyopaweet’ and ‘Upnayan’ rituals are most significant among all the rituals. The sacred festival of Raksha Bandhan is celebrated on this day.

Brahmins also perform the ‘Shudhikaran’ ritual on this day. The Shravana Purnima is considered very sacred and auspicious day. The day of Shravana Purnima is not only important from religious point of view but is also important for practical reasons. The month of Shravana is considered the month of worship of lord Shiva. The special worship of lord Shiva is done in the month of Shravana.

Lord Shiva pleases easily with this kind of worship and grants the wishes of his devotees. Purnima is the last day of this month. That is why, the benefit of whole month of devotion to lord Shiva is obtained by worshipping lord Shiva and by offering water to lord Shiva on this day.

The festival of Kajri Purnima is also celebrated on the day of Shravana Purnima. This festival is celebrated primarily in Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Uttar Pradesh. The preparations for this day begin from the ninth day of the Shravana Amavasya. On the day of Kajri Navami, women fill the pots made from the leaves of tree with soil and barley is sown into it. After that, women carry these pots on their head and leave these pots into a nearest pot or river. Women sow Kajri after the worship of this Navami. They sing songs and narrate the story of this fast. Women observe this fast for the longevity and prosperity of their sons.

Shravana Purnima is also known as Naryali Purnima and Avani Avittam in southern India, Kajri Purnima in the mid parts of India, Raksha Bandhan in northen India and Pavittropana in Gujarat.

A full moon arises on the day of Shravana Purnima. That is why, worshipping Moon on this day eliminates the Chandradosha. The day of Shravana Purnima is very significant for giving donations. That is why, one should give fodder to cows and should feed the ants and fishes with grains. Donation of cow is very significant on this day.

Every person who wears sacred thread and has an inclination towards religion takes an oath of piousness and changes his sacred thread. Donation is given to Brahmins according to one’s capability and they are provided food. Lord Vishnu and goddess Lakshmi are worshipped on this day. The glimpse of Vishnu and Lakshmi gives happiness, wealth and prosperity. Lord Shiva, Vishnu, Mahalaksmi and Hanuman are offered sacred thread on this day.

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