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Jyeshtha Amavasya

Category: Hindu holidays

Jyeshtha Amavasya
27 May 2025  tuesday
16 May 2026  saturday
04 June 2027  friday

253 days before

In Hindus Vedic calendar, there are 30 lunar, known as Tithi, phases. Amavasya always falls in the middle of the every month.

When the Chandra (moon) is within the twelve degrees of angular distance between the surya and Chandra before conjunction, that day called is an Amavasya (dark moon Tithi).

The Amavasya, No moon day, observance in month of Jyeshtha in the traditional Hindu calendar is distinguished as Jyeshtha Amavasya. The day is not auspicious. It is the day when negative energy, harmful power and evils eyes are too stronger.

The negative energy, harmful power, black magic and evil eyes are free. On this day, any work or travel that is done on Amavasya is not expected to successful. That’s why, Hindus religious person are not supposed to work or travel.

Jyeshtha month is the 3rd month in the Hindu calendar and the months of May – June in Gregorian calendar. It comes just after vaishakha Amavasya.

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