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Shri Lochana Dasa Thakura (Appearance)

Category: Hindu holidays

Shri Lochana Dasa Thakura (Appearance)
31 December 2024  tuesday
20 December 2025  saturday
08 January 2027  friday
28 December 2027  tuesday

106 days before

Srila Locana Dasa Thakura appeared in this world in 1520 A.D., thirty-four years after the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Locana Dasa wrote a biography on Lord Caitanya, entitled Sri Caitanya Mangala, and he wrote many devotional songs.

Sri Locana dasa Thakura took birth in a family of Rarhiya physicians who resided in the village of Kogram, within the Mahakumar (Katna) district of Barddhaman. His guru was Sri Narahari Sarkar Thakura.

"I am the servant of Thakura Sri Narahari, who is the master of my life. The desire of all my desires, I place at his lotus feet; which is that this vile creature (myself) might describe some-thing about the wonderful qualities of Sri Gaurasundara. In this expectation, he is my only refuge." [Caitanya-mangala, Satvakhan­da].

His father's name was Sri Kamalakara dasa and his mother's name, Sri Sadananda. He was the only son of his parents. He was raised in his maternal grandfather's home and his education was completed there. When he was only a little boy, he enjoyed the good fortune of meeting the devotees of Sri Gauranga.

He was married at a very young age. From his youth he was very attached to Sri Gaursundara and consequently very disinterested in material life, though he was surrounded by family, friends and society. In his youth he spent the major part of his time at his guru's Sripat, Srikhanda, where he learned how to do kirtana.

The book that he composed Caitanya-mangala was from the diary of Sri Murari Gupta. "Murari Gupta, who resides at Nadia, composed many beautiful verses about the life of Sri Gauranga. These include the youthful pastimes of Nimai, which Murari Gupta personally took part in, and His later pastime in Nilacala, after He accepted sannyasa, which were narrated by Sri Damodara Pandita. Having heard these verses of Murari Gupta, composed in sanskrit, I have become very attracted and so I have composed them in the village folk poetry meter of Bengali."

In his Caitanya Mangala, Srila Locana Dasa Thakura has written: "My hope of hopes is to be near the lotus feet of Sri Narahari Thakura, to serve and worship him with my very life. The cherished desire of the fallen Locana Dasa is to be allowed by the grace of Narahari to sing the glories of Sri Gauranga. My Lord is Sri Narahari Thakura and I am his servant. Bowing and praying before him I beg him to allow me his service. This is my only aspiration."

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