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Shri Narahari Sarakara Thakura (Disappearance)

Category: Hindu holidays

Shri Narahari Sarakara Thakura (Disappearance)
26 November 2024  tuesday
15 November 2025  saturday
04 December 2026  friday
24 November 2027  wednesday

71 days before

Before meeting Mahaprabhu Narahari had written many Sanskrit and Bengali songs about the vraja rasa of Radha-Giridhari. Later, he and Gadadhara Pandit always stayed with Lord Chaitanya. Narahari used to please the Lord by waving a chamara or a peacock fan. Shrila Thakura Bhaktivinoda's Gaura-aroti song glorifies this, narahari adi kori camara dhulaya.

Narahari Sarakara's family was the pride of the Vaishnavas. By their influence all the people in Shri Khanda became Vaishnavas. The entire village turned into a "branch of the desire tree of love of God." Since the time of Lord Gaurachandra, Shri Khanda has been a preaching center for Gaudiya Vaishnavism. One day Shri Nityananda Prabhu came to Shri Khanda and asked Narahari, "All right, we know who you are. So where's the honey?" By his mystic power Narahari turned a pot of water into supersweet honey for the Lord's pleasure. Narahari serves Lord Shyamasundara in Vraja lila as Madhumati, a prana-sakhi who supplies mouth-watering honey for Radha-Damodara and Their dear ones.

"Shri Narahari Sarakara's very being was saturated with Radha Krishna prema. No one can fathom the depth of his devotion and pure love for Radha and Krishna. In Vraja he is Radha's dear sakhi, Madhumati (a storehoue of sweetness). And in Gauranga lila he is Narahari, a storehouse of Radha-Krishna prema." (Shri Chaitanya Mangala)

Narahari Sarakara books Padakalpataru and Krishna-bhajanamrta include wonderful intimate songs praising Lord Gauranga and Shri Nityananda Prabhu. Shripad B.V.Narayana Maharaja said, "Narahari composed many ambrosial nectarean songs that overflow with the sweetest devotion."

In Shri Krishna Bhajanamrtam, Narahari teaches how to worship Shri Krishna and Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Shri Lochana Dasa Thakura and many others were disciples of Narahari Sarakara Thakura. Though not accessible, his samadhi is in Radha-kunda.

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