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Shri Gadadhara Dasa Goswami (Disappearance)

Category: Hindu holidays

Shri Gadadhara Dasa Goswami (Disappearance)
09 November 2024  saturday
29 October 2025  wednesday
17 November 2026  tuesday
06 November 2027  saturday

54 days before

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has basically two groups of associated. One group such as the dvadasa gopalas (Abhirama Gopalas, Gauridasa Pandit, Dhananjaya and others) serve Sri Nityananda Prabhu in the mood of sakhya rasa (Friendship). The second group always stay merged in the mellow of madhurya rasa (conjugal love).

Sri Gadadhara Goswami is a united form of Chandrakanti gopi (an expansion of Radharani's effulgence) and Purnanada (an expansion of Lord Balarama's dear girlfriend). Thus, Gadadhara Dasa was an associate of both Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu. Krishna Dasa Kaviraja describe Lord Chaitanya as radha-bahva-dyuti suvalita, "characterized by the emotions and bodily luster of Shrimati Radharani." Gadadhara Dasa is this dyuti, luster. Gadadhara Dasa is sometimes called "the personification of Sri Radhika's divine effulgence."

While traveling with Lord Nityananda Gadadhara would sometimes become absorbed in madhurya prema and begin acting and speaking like a Vraja gopi. Putting a clay pot of Ganges water on his head, as if he were a gopi, he would call out, "Who wants to buy milk? Who wants to buy yogurt?"

As one of Lord Nityananda's chief preachers in Bengal Gadadhara Dasa delivered countless sinner, and yavanas once while tasting Krishna prema he began dancing madly and chanting Krishna's Holy Names outside the Kazi's mansion. The irate Muslim magistrate stormed out of his house to chastize him for "disturbing the peace." But beholding the dazzingly attractive form of Gadadhara Dasa, the Kazi became stunned and dropped his anger.

Gadadhara affectionately embraced the Kazi and said, "Gaura-Nityananda have appeared to deliver everyone with divine love by distributing the sweet nectar of the Holy Name of Hari. Why don't you chant this sweet name of Hari?"

"Tomorrow I shall chant the name of Hari," replied the Kazi. Hearing the Kazi inadvertanly chant the Holy Name filled Gadadhara with happiness. He said, "Why tomorrow? You have already chanted today. And this powerful name of Hari will destroy your sins and purify your existence." From that day on the Kazi took shelter of Sri Gadadhara Dasa Goswami. His samadhi is in the 64 Samadhis Area.

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