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Shri Dhananjaya Pandita (Disappearance)

Category: Hindu holidays

Shri Dhananjaya Pandita (Disappearance)
09 November 2024  saturday
29 October 2025  wednesday
17 November 2026  tuesday
06 November 2027  saturday

54 days before

Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata describe Dhananjaya Pandit as vilaksana mahanta, "having all the characteristics of a great personality." He took part in Lord Gaurachandra's Navadwipa kirtana pastimes before moving to Vrindavana on Mahaprabhu's order.

Carrying only a kamandalu–but remaining absorbed in love of Sri Krishna and Sri Chaitanya–he traveled widely and preached. He established Deities of Gaura-Nitai, Sri Gopinatha, and Damodara. In Vraja lila he is Vasudama, one of Lord Balarama's dvadasa gopalas. His samadhi is in the 64 Samadhis Area.

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