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Shri Gauridasa Pandita (Disappearance)

Category: Hindu holidays

Shri Gauridasa Pandita (Disappearance)
06 August 2025  wednesday
24 August 2026  monday
13 August 2027  friday

324 days before

"Gauridasa Pandit, the emblem of the most elevated devotional service in love of Godhead, had the greatest potency to receive and deliver such love. Making Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda the Lords of his life, Gauridasa Pandit sacrificed everything for the service of Lord Nityananda."

Before taking sannyasa, Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda visited Gauridasa Pandit in Ambika Kalna. Fearing their impending separation, Gauridasa cried and begged the Lord to stay longer. Mahaprabhu made life-like neem wood Deities of Gaura-Nitai to console his loving servant. "Gauridasa, My Murti form is as good as I am", said Lord Gauranga, "We will forever remain in your home to accept your service."

Gauridasa Pandit worshiped Gaura Nitai in many intimate ways–talking sweetly to Them, tooking a variety of tasty foods, discussing shastra with Them, attending to Their every need throughout the day. Even when old and feeble, Gauridasa ceaselessly served his worship able Lords Shri-Shri Gaura-Nitai.

Although poor, he desired to decorate Gaura-Nitai with costly beautiful ornaments. Knowing his mind, Gaura-Nityananda lavishly adorned Themselves. Beholding Their exquisite beauty Gauridasa became astonished. "Where did They get these ornaments?" he thought. Shri-Shri Gaura-Nitai would often enact such transcendental pastimes in the home of Their pure Devotee, Shri Gauridasa Pandit.

One time, Chaitanya Dasa, Gauridasa's foremost disciple, organized a huge sankirtana festival on the bank of the Ganges. Enraptured by the kirtana, Gauridasa's Deities jumped off the altar and joined the Devotees in chanting and dancing. Discovering the Deities missing from the Temple, Gauridasa grabbed a stick and ran to catch Gaura-Nitai. Seeing his angry mood, Gaura-Nitai vanished. At that moment, Gauridasa watched in amazement to see Gaura-Nitai enter the heart (hrdaya) of Chaitanya Dasa. Gauridasa embraced his beloved disciple, bathed him with tears, and said: "You are most fortunate. From today your name will be Hrdaya Chaitanya, one who holds Shri Chaitanya within his heart."

Since then Gaura-Nitai's darsana at Gauridasa Pandit's Temple is offered in many brief intervals like Banke-bihariji in Vrindavana. To keep Gaura-Nitai from jumping off the altar, the pujaris open and quickly close the curtain throughout the darshana time.

While doing bhajana in Dhira Samira Kunja in Vrindavana, Gauridasa Pandit entered the eternal go carana lila (cowherding pastimes) of Krishna-Balarama, In Vraja he is Subala, a dvadasa gopala. His samadhi is within the Shyama-Raya Temple compound in Dhira Samira, Vrindavana.

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