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Shri Jayananda Prabhu (Disappearance)

Category: Hindu holidays

Shri Jayananda Prabhu (Disappearance)
10 May 2025  saturday
29 April 2026  wednesday
18 May 2027  tuesday

236 days before

When Srila Prabhupada went to the United States of America to preach Krishna Consciousness, he attracted thousands of westerners to the movement and created a new breed of empowered Vaishnavas who helped Srila Prabhupada spread Krishna Consciousness all across the globe. Sriman Jayananda Prabhu was one such Vaishanava and of the best disciples of Srila Prabhupada. He was the picture of purity and utter humility that Lord Chaitanya has taught in His shiskashtaka.

Jayananda Prabhu, an engineering graduate from Ohio State University, happily performed all kinds of services, including driving a cab, for expanding Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental movement. A tireless worker, he had endless energy for offering to Srila Prabhupada through his various services.

Jayananda Prabhu was revered and loved by all the devotees of his day. He was expert in engaging people in Srila Prabhupada’s service. All devotees cherished his powerful association. His ever-positive outlook of people and circumstance enlivened everyone near him. He never allowed negativities like criticism to linger in his presence. His mind and body were fully engaged in the service of Srila Prabhupada. Jayananda Prabhu incessantly served from morning to night and meticulously did services like cleaning and arranging that many devotees neglected out of laziness.

Jayananda Prabhu is famous for building the first Rathas that were used to carry Baladeva, Subhadra & Jagannath through the streets of San Francisco, New York, and Philadelphia. He organized the first ever ISKCON Ratha Yatra in the year 1967 at San Francisco. At a time when devotees did not have much money, Jayananda Prabhu employed transcendental techniques and arranged material and manpower to manifest beautiful Rathas for the grand Ratha Yatra festivals. His endeavors were deemed superhuman and divinely endowed. As the majestic carts rolled into the streets colorfully splashing the concrete skyline of the world’s major cities, Jayananda Prabhu could be seen dancing incessantly while intently gazing upon the Deities in the Rathas. Srila Prabhupada had enjoyed Ratha Yatra as a child with Rathas his father built for him and he made a powerful spiritual impact on western mindscape with Rathas built by Jayananda Prabhu.

Jayananda Prabhu passed away after a prolonged illness at Los Angles on May 1, 1977.

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