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Rukmini Dwadashi

Category: Hindu holidays

Rukmini Dwadashi
09 May 2025  friday
28 April 2026  tuesday
17 May 2027  monday

235 days before

Sri Rukmini Dwadasi, is observed as the birthday (the day Rukmini Devi appeared on earth) of Rukmini, the consort of Lord Krishna.

The love story of Rukmini and Lord Krishna and their elopement is one of the most famous stories associated with Lord Krishna. Rukmini Dwadashi is observed on the twelfth day of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of moon) of Vaisakh month (April – May). It is believed that those who offer worship prayers and pujas with flowers will have their wishes fulfilled.

Prayers dedicated to Rukmini Devi are held on the day at Lord Krishna Temples. Special pujas are held at the Dwarkadish Temple in Mathura on the day.

Qualities of Rukmini Devi:

1. ruciraananaam - whose face is charming
2. hriyaa, vriiDaa - shy
3. satii - exalted, of saintly character
4. buddhi - possessing intelligence
5. lakSana - possessing auspicious bodily markings
6. audaarya - magnanimous
7. Siila - of proper behavior
8. sadRSiiM bhaaryaaM - an ideal wife
9. deviim - the divine goddess
10. asitaapaaNgii - dark-eyed
11. mohiniim - enchanting
12. mahatii - aristocratic
13. dhiiraa - sober-minded
14. kulavatii - of good family
15. lakSaNaabhijn~aa - an expert knower of bodily symptoms
16. aaraadhito - having rendered devotional service
17. mat-paraam, aatmaarpitaS - dedicated exclusively to Krishna
18. anavadyaaNgiim, Sobhaam - of flawless beauty
19. Sucismitaa - sweetly smiling
20. varaaroha - of lovely hips
21. bimba-phala-adhara - glowing bimba red lips
22. Syaamaa - firm breasts
23. calantiim kalahaMsa - walking with the motions of a royal swan
24. su madhyamam - shapely waist
25. govinda-hRtamaanasaa - whose mind is stolen by Krishna
26. gunASrayaam - a repository of all other good qualities

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