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Shri Madhu Pandita (Disappearance)

Category: Hindu holidays

Shri Madhu Pandita (Disappearance)
06 May 2025  tuesday
25 April 2026  saturday
14 May 2027  friday

232 days before

There is no mention of Sri Madhu Pandit in Caitanya Caritamrta. Only it is mentioned in Bhakti Ratnakara that Sri Gopinathji manifested Himself before Him. [BR 2.473]

"Oh Srinivas! What more can I say? The Lord reveals Himself to His pure devotee, who then preaches His glories to the world. Who can describe their incomprehensible activities by which the Lord becomes subservient to their love? Thus did Sri Vrajendra Kumar reveal himself to Paramananda Bhattacarya and Sri Madhu Pandit, who is the abode of many wonderful qualities."

"Thus has Sri Gopinathji, Who is an ocean of mercy, and Who sports on the enchantingly beautiful banks of Vamsivat, become manifested by the grace of Sri Madhu Pandit." [Sadhana Dipikayam]

Thus Sri Madhu Pandit became the servant of Sri Gopinath, Whose bodily luster steals away the minds of everyone. Hundreds and thousands of people came running to see Him, famed as He is as sweetness personified. When the soothing sweetness and coolness of His charming form entered their hearts through their eyes, they found that the burning fire of material existence which had previously been burning there, was now extinguished. Paramananda Bhattacarya and Madhu Pandita were disciples of Gadadhara Pandita, one of the most intimate devotees of Lord Caitanya. Madhu Pandita would read Srimad Bhagavatam every day.

The Deity of Gopinatha was discovered at Vamsivata by Paramananda Bhattacarya, who entrusted the Deity’s worship to Madhu Pandita. On the altar in this temple are Deities of Gopinatha, Srimati Radharani and Her sister, Ananga Manjari. Madhu Pandita arranged to have this temple built.

Vajranabha, the great-grandson of Krishna, originally installed Gopinathji in Vrindavana. When the Muslims raided Vrindavana in 1670, the original Gopinatha Deity was taken to Jaipur. The Gopinatha Deity in Jaipur is said to exactly resemble Lord Krishna, from the shoulders down to the waist.

Sri Rayasila Shekhavata, who was given a large amount of land by Akbar for defeating the Afghans, built the original Gopinatha temple. It is believed that this temple may have been built before the Govindaji and Madana-Mohan temples. This temple was broken and defiled by Aurangzeb’s soldiers. Sri Nanda Kumar Bose of Bengal constructed a new temple for Gopinatha.

“Sri Srila Gopinatha, who originated the transcendental mellow of the rasa dance, stands on the shore in Vamsivata and attracts the attention of the cowherd damsels with the sound of His celebrated flute. May They all confer upon us Their benediction” (Caitanya Caritamrita Adi 1.17).

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