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Shri Pundarika Vidyanidhi (Appearance)

Category: Hindu holidays

Shri Pundarika Vidyanidhi (Appearance)
02 February 2025  sunday
23 January 2026  friday
11 February 2027  thursday

139 days before

A disciple of Shri Madhavendra Puri, Pundarika Vidyanidhi was Shri Gadadhara Pandit's guru, and an intimate friend of Svarupa Damodara.

Pundarika Vidyanidhi has other names - Shri Vidyanidhi, Acaryanidhi, Bhaktyanidhi, and Premanidhi (given by Lord Chaitanya). "Simply by hearing his name", said Shri Gaura, "the whole world becomes purified". Premanidhi's pure devotion caused Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to sometimes cry profusely and call out loudly, "Bop, (father) Pundarika! Pundarika is My father, My dearmost friend. When will I see him again?" Pundarika Vidyanidhi is King Vrishabhanu, Shri Radha's father, in Vrindavana lila.

Continually floating in the sea of Krishna prema, Pundarika often showed ecstatic bodily symptoms of tears, horripilation, falling unconscious. "Whoever recites or hears the following narration of the meeting of Pundarika Vidyanidhi and Shri Gadadhara Pandit will receive the treasure of love of God." (Shri Chaitanya Bhagavata)

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