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Narali Purnima

Category: Hindu holidays

Narali Purnima
09 August 2025  saturday
28 August 2026  friday
17 August 2027  tuesday

327 days before

Shravana Purnima is popularly known as Nariyal Purnima in Maharashtra, especially at coastal Maharashtra and Konkani region.

On Nariyal Purnima, people worship God Varun and especially offer Nariyal to the God of sea. It is believed that the Puja offered to sea on the auspicious day of Shravana Purnima appease the God and it protects fisher-men from all sorts of untoward incidents.

Maharashtrian Brahmins, who perform ritualistic Shravani Upakarma on this day, observe Phalahar fasting on the day and eat only Nariyal i.e. the coconut during the fast. Hence, in Konkan and coastal Maharashtra the day of Shravana Purnima is popularly known as Nariyal Purnima.

People also plant tree on the day of Nariyal Purnima to show their respect and gratitude towards the nature. Nariyal Purnima is also pronounced as Narali Purnima (नारळी पूर्णिमा) and spelled as Nariyali Purnima (नारियली पूर्णिमा).

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