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Padmanabha Dwadashi

Category: Hindu holidays

Padmanabha Dwadashi
14 October 2024  monday
03 October 2025  friday
22 October 2026  thursday
11 October 2027  monday

28 days before

Padmanabha Dwadashi is an observance celebrated by the Vaishnavites and Hindus. It is celebrated on the next day of the Papankusha Ekadashi.

On this auspicious day the great Lord Vishnu is worshipped in the form of Anantha Padmanava. It is believed that the devotees who observe the Padmanabha Dwadashi vrat attain prosperities throughout their lives and attain salvation.

The Padmanabha Dwadashi is observed on the shukla paksha Dwadashi of the month of Ashwin, according to the traditional Hindu calendar, and as per the Gregorian calendar this is celebrated on the 12th day of the waxing phase of the moon of the month of September October.

The Padmanabha Dwadashi vrata is described and mentioned in the Varaha Purana. Devotees start their austerity in observation to this vrat from the morning of the dwadashi only. After having a cleansing ritual bath, the devotees should light incense and lamp in their puja room and also visit the Vishnu temples. Lord Vishnu’s feet to his hair are worshipped. The worshipping is done by offering water, flowers, fruits and sandalwood paste to the God in the form of the Padmanabha. Anant Padmanava Swamy is worshipped in all the Vishnu temples. To finish the auspicious vrat or ritual, alms or charity should be done towards a Brahman.

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