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Thai Amavasai

Category: Hindu holidays

Thai Amavasai
29 January 2025  wednesday
18 January 2026  sunday
06 February 2027  saturday

135 days before

According to the puranas, this world was first created by Manu. His appearence day is the 'Thai Amavasya' day. This is observed as Mouna Amavasya.

On this day, Surya and Chandra enter into the constellation of Makara.

On this day, one has to observe complete silence and pray to Sri Vishnu. Doing so, one is able to get rid of the shadripus such as kama, krodha, lobha, moha, madha and matsarya.

It is also the appearence day of Sri VeeraRaghava Perumal (Sri Ram). One of his most popular temples is located in Thiruvallur, TamilNadu, where he lies down on AdiSesha just like Sri Vishnu and extends out his right arm and blesses Sri Salihotra maharishi. This VeeraRaghava is known as 'Vaidya VeeraRaghava' and revered for his ability to cure many diseases.

There is a popular belief that on Thai Amavasya day, the departed souls visit the earth plane to bless their relations. On this day, many people offer 'tarpanam' or respects in memory of departed ones. The word "Tarpanam" means "satisfying" or "satiating". As per the Vedas, Tarpanam on New Moon days (Amavasi) - especially on Thai Amavasya is best performed by Vedic Specialists or trained priests. All that you need for Tarpanam is some black sesame seeds, rice and water.

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