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Tiger: chinese (eastern) horoscope

Ranking as the third animal in the Chinese zodiac, Tigers are the symbol of brave. People born in the year of the Tiger are friendly, brave, competitive, charming and endowed with good luck and authority. With indomitable fortitude and great confidence, the tiger people can be competent leaders. On the other side, they are likely to be impetuous, irritable, overindulged and love to boast to others.

Chinese: 虎 (Hǔ)
Earthly Branches: Yin (寅)
Energy: Yang
Five Elements: Wood (Mu)

Lucky things

Lucky Flowers: Cineraria
Lucky Gemstone: Sapphire
Lucky Numbers: 1, 3, 4
Lucky Colors: Blue, White, Gray, Orange
Lucky Directions: East, Southeast, South
Best Match: Horse, Dog, Pig

Unlucky things

Unlucky Numbers: 6, 7, 8
Unlucky Colors: Golden, Silver, Brown
Unlucky Direction: Southwest
Worst Match: Snake, Monkey

Personality traits

Inhabit in the wide field, the tiger is active, full of valour and vigour in nature. The people born in the year of the Tiger also have these kinds of personalities. They usually act actively but with caution. Once speaking out, they will never regret. Also, they never give up halfway until reach the goal. Although loyal to friends, sometimes they are thought to be not sophisticated enough as they like to stubbornly and arbitrarily cling to their own courses. They would not blame fate and other people but try to overcome when meeting obstacles in career.

The people under the sign of the tiger like going straight. They would go straight forward instead of using some diplomatic means to overcome difficulties which usually make others unpleasant. But they can still finish the task at last. The talented tiger people are ambitions and never satisfied with the general working environment. So, you can see many of them play job-hopping regularly. In career, they usually choose large companies where they could show out their abilities fully and easy to be promoted to a higher position. The shortcomings for them are that they usually act independently, and don’t take colleagues to heart as well as looking down upon them.

Male personality traits

Male Tigers are usually serious, careful, prudent, optimistic, aggressive and adventurous. They feature good tastes, refined speech and manner and like to make friends. Sometimes, men under the Tiger sign can be dictatorial, prone to suspicion and irresolute, thus often make hasty decisions.

In daily life, male Tigers are short of romance and family happiness yet quite loyal to their families and serve as the backbone. They are very emotional: sometimes laugh heartily while sometimes shed tears or feel upset.

In love relationship, they can be possessive or quarrelsome when getting jealous and boast a strong sense of protectiveness. Tiger men are attractive to women and they like to guess women's mind.

As for career, male Tigers are quite dedicated and hardworking. They open up territory with wisdom and never give up readily in any hardships, thus achieve good results in career.

Female personality traits

Female Tigers are charming, articulate, free, open and trendy and they often feel upset for lack of beautiful clothes. The lively and friendly Tiger women are just like the sweet kitty well received by people for their behaviors. Brilliant, highly tenacious and patient, they always can make outstanding achievements under any circumstances. However, they often persist their old ways and they are careless, rebellious, emotional and credulous.

In daily life, female Tigers can take care of their families, enjoy life to the full and like to attend collective activities. You may always find them at parties and they can play with kids very well, such as telling stories and playing games. They are popular with kids because their matey charm can set children at ease and free.

In love relationship, they will never be really infatuated because they only love themselves. Seemingly gentle, they are actually wild inside and sometimes can be extremely narcissistic and lonely. The reliable and loyal female Tigers make no exception for anyone, which becomes their magic weapon to subdue men.

As for career, Tiger women tend to take family as their cause and have fewer desires for work. They are family-oriented and care less about the annoying workplace.


In terms of the relationship with the people under other animal signs, the people born in the year of the Tiger can be harmonious with the people born in the year of the Pig, Dog, Horse, Rabbit, Sheep, Rooster and the Tiger itself. The honest and nice Pig can usually help the Tiger to avoid doing things rashly and make the Tiger feel safe. The practical Dog can be good partner with the Tiger and is very loyal to him. What's more, they can not only restrain the Tiger, but also make them rational. The people born in the year of the Horse are active as the Tiger, but usually can forebode the danger much faster than the Tiger. So, the Tiger can benefit from the Horse from it.

However, the Tiger should never challenge to the Ox people, for the Ox would not tolerant the misbehavior of the Tiger and may destroy him. The Tiger is not compatible with the Snake as well. As the Snake is gentle, timid and calm while the Tiger is arrogant, it is difficult for them to live harmoniously. Another person that the Tiger couldn't be friend with is the Monkey. As the smart Monkey likes to laugh at the Tiger endlessly and the Tiger only knows to be angry as a result of being fooled.


The people under the Tiger sign are born leaders and managers. No matter in political, literature and art circles or fields of finance and economics, the Tigers are always come out on top. You could not require them to do those works that never vary. Also, those works that couldn’t bring self ability into play sufficiently are not fit for them. Suitable job fields for the Tigers to show their ability include clinical medicine, catering, literature, cultural, official, judicial, police and government.

Best Work Partners: Sheep, Dog and Pig
Best Age to Start a Business: 40-50
Best Career Field: Quality Inspection
Best Business to Do: Dessert Shop, Ice Cream Parlor
Best Direction for Career: East, South, Southeast, Northwest


The unyielding and independent Tiger people are natural optimists who are generous in dealing with people and things, and wise, a little bossy and possessive in love relationship. In the eyes of Tiger people, career is more important than love and they would lean to career if they must make a choice between the two.

Dapper in appearance, people born in the year of the Tiger are typical face judgers and they overemphasize the look of their lovers. Many times, it is such an impulse that makes them lose the loved ones in heart.

People of Tiger sign are actually simple and love the innocent children and warm living space - this is the most authentic description of them. Once in love, they will show the passion as intense as fire. The casual Tigers would show their love in the most straightforward manner.

Love needs to be cultivated with dedication and time. Even if two people love each other, they can go farther and farther if the Tiger ignore love because of work. The 3-minute passion should be avoided for Tigers in love. The tender feeling following the passion is the plainest happiness.

How to make a Tiger love you more? Since Tigers enjoy the feeling of being admired in the crowd, you have to be outstanding at work and rock-solid financially, and possess the capital to stand out in society. If you share the same career goals or interests, you will be more likely to get into his/her heart.

Tiger will be in the following years:

17 February 1950  –  05 February 1951
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - white. Element - metal.

05 February 1962  –  24 January 1963
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - blue. Element - water.

23 January 1974  –  10 February 1975
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - green. Element - wood.

09 February 1986  –  28 January 1987
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - red. Element - fire.

28 January 1998  –  15 February 1999
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - brown. Element - earth.

14 February 2010  –  02 February 2011
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - white. Element - metal.

01 February 2022  –  20 January 2023
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - blue. Element - water.

19 February 2034  –  07 February 2035
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - green. Element - wood.

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