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Rooster: chinese (eastern) horoscope

Rooster (or Chicken) ranks the tenth among the Chinese zodiac animals. In Chinese culture, Rooster represents fidelity and punctuality, for it wakes people up on time. People born in the year of the Rooster are beautiful, kind-hearted, hard-working, courageous, independent, humorous and honest. They like to keep home neat and organized. On the other side, they might be arrogant, self-aggrandizing, persuasive to others and wild as well as admire things or persons blindly.

Chinese: 鸡 (Jī)
Earthly Branches: You (酉)
Energy: Yin
Five Elements: Metal (Jin)

Lucky things

Lucky Flowers: Gladiola, Impatiens, Cockscomb
Lucky Gemstone: Citrine
Lucky Numbers: 5, 7, 8
Lucky Colors: Golden, Brown, Brownish yellow, Yellow
Lucky Directions: West, Southwest, Northeast
Best Match: Ox, Dragon, Snake

Unlucky things

Unlucky Numbers: 1, 3, 9
Unlucky Colors: White, Green
Unlucky Direction: East
Worst Match: Rat, Rabbit, Rooster, Dog

Personality traits

The rooster is the dawn announcer waking people up on time in the morning. Since the ancient times, it has been thought to have the ability of divining the future. Also in Greek mythology, it is said that the rooster can feel what will happen in the future. So, it is regarded as the god's ambassador. The people born in the year of the rooster also have the ability to discern what is coming. They like to think more and have a good plan when dealing with things. Also, they usually use in ways others could never have imagined to solve problems which making others surprise.

The people under the Rooster sign are warm, generous, diligent, sociable and very capable speakers. They have quick wit and think fast. So sometimes they are impatient. When talking, they may stammer as their mouth couldn’t catch up with the brain. To change this, they need to think slowly.

Male personality traits

Men under the Rooster sign are clever, capable, serious, frank and decisive, featuring excellent organizational skills. The persnickety male Roosters dare to point out violence directly and criticize sharply, and pursue perfection for everything. No matter what they do, they would follow the rules established and cannot understand those who are non-conforming. They would do all they can to offer help.

In daily life, male Roosters are good at money management and they can pinch pennies on family expenses to make both ends meet. As good housekeepers, they also like to deal with all sorts of tough work and could do the things assigned very well. Once the matters are too complicated or arduous, however, they can be emotional and lose temper.

In terms of love and relationship, male Roosters prefer the lively maidens to the mature office ladies. In a relationship, they are just like kids looking for candy and need the honeyed words from their lovers. Therefore, do not forget to praise your boyfriend if he is under the Rooster sign. In marriage, they demand freedom and equality, believe in mutual respect and hate the quarrels.

Talented in dealing with affairs and hard work, Rooster men tend to start a career at a young age and make achievements early in life. They usually restrain their active personality in a rigorous and temperate way and they are good at listening to the advice of others. Although not necessarily making great achievements, the enterprising male Roosters can also gain a lot.

Female personality traits

Female Roosters are simple, unadorned, practical, delicate, caring and considerate. Generally, they are family-oriented and take care of their families very well. Always passionate and in pursuit of perfection, women under the Rooster sign are more pragmatic than men and they are not boastful or conceited. Instead, they act decisively and never do things sloppily. However, they are emotional, vain and verbally careless, which is the biggest resistance in social contact.

Rooster women are pretty and practical in life, and they are the typical charming lady who can serve as a secretary and a cook at the same time. Delicate and hardworking, they can manage to balance work and life and would not make themselves aggrieved in work or life. Generally, Rooster women work efficiently and seldom bring work into life.

From the perspective of life, they have clear goals, excellent management skills and strong desire to show off and they like to realize the meaning of life by acting. In the face of life, they enjoy being praised and care about other people's view, thus often show the best side.

Despite of many suitors around, female Roosters are quite discerning, which makes them single. Compared with love and relationship, they pay more attention to career and stand out with outstanding performance, great competence and strong sense of responsibility. But such fine qualities are not suitable for love relationship.


The people born in the year of the Rooster can get along well with the people born in the year of the snake, because they are complemented with each other in terms of character. The Ox people can make the Rooster's dull life more colorful. As the Rooster and Dragon people are both creative and usually have common goals, the two could be very compatible. The Rooster could assist the Dragon and benefit a lot from his achievement.

The people born in the year of the Tiger, Sheep, Monkey and Pig can be good companions to the Rooster.

However, when a Rooster is together with another Rooster or a Rat, they are easily to fight with each other. The relationship between the Rooster and Rabbit is also not good as they have different personalities. A Rabbit person likes to avoid arguing with his enemy while a Rooster will struggle and quarrel. In terms of the relationship between the Rooster and the Dog, it's changeable. Sometimes they are increasingly intimate and sometimes they are coldly indifferent with each other. They can cooperate well when they need each other. However, it is doomed to be a failure if they marriage.


The Rooster people are usually energetic and have a strong ability to deal with affaires. Most of them build their own careers in earlier days. Also in work, they are serious, talented and courageous. They hate to be ordered to do things. Based on these, suitable jobs for the Roosters include politicians, policemen, diplomats, sportsmen, dress designers and beauticians. Also, they are fit to show their ability in the fields of tourism and entertainment.

Best Work Partners: Ox, Dragon and Snake
Best Age to Start a Business: 50 – 60
Best Career Field: Literature and Art
Best Business to Do: Daily necessities Store, Cosmetic Store
Best Direction for Career: West, South and Southeast


Rooster, one of the top four zodiac signs blessed in love relationship, is extremely popular among the opposite sex. People of Rooster sign are easy-going, brave, witty, resourceful, hardworking, passionate and decisive. With a positive attitude towards love, they pursue the warm and romantic relationship.

No matter in love or in life, they like the praise from their lovers and only the heartfelt compliment can win their favor. Roosters are unusual, strong-minded and sometimes too self-centered to be accepted by other people.

For Rooster people, the biggest weakness is their pride. They are unyielding and would not take the initiative even in front of the lovers, thus miss the right one easily. It does not mean they do not love or are not so in it - they are just so proud and anxious to outdo others that even the love cannot make them bow. If a Rooster is willing to lay down self-esteem and gives up everything for you, he/she must love you to the bone and more than his/her own life.

Love is not the same as work; no one can ask others to be the same and everyone should learn to tolerate others. Love means to appreciate the merits and to accept the shortcomings of each other.

When you are romantically involved with a Rooster, you need to change the way of getting along frequently since he/she is more sensible. Passion is essential to the quality of love and it is difficult to get into his/her heart with a changeless pattern.

Rooster will be in the following years:

31 January 1957  –  17 February 1958
Yin (female year, moon and shadows, earth and night). Colour - red. Element - fire.

16 February 1969  –  05 February 1970
Yin (female year, moon and shadows, earth and night). Colour - brown. Element - earth.

05 February 1981  –  24 January 1982
Yin (female year, moon and shadows, earth and night). Colour - white. Element - metal.

22 January 1993  –  09 February 1994
Yin (female year, moon and shadows, earth and night). Colour - blue. Element - water.

09 February 2005  –  28 January 2006
Yin (female year, moon and shadows, earth and night). Colour - green. Element - wood.

28 January 2017  –  15 February 2018
Yin (female year, moon and shadows, earth and night). Colour - red. Element - fire.

13 February 2029  –  02 February 2030
Yin (female year, moon and shadows, earth and night). Colour - brown. Element - earth.

01 February 2041  –  21 January 2042
Yin (female year, moon and shadows, earth and night). Colour - white. Element - metal.

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