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Monkey: chinese (eastern) horoscope

Monkey ranks ninth position in the Chinese Zodiac. They are cheerful and energetic by nature and usually represent flexibility. People under the sign of the Monkey are wise, intelligent, confident, charismatic, loyal, inventive and have leadership. The weaknesses of the Monkeys are being egotistical, arrogant, crafty, restless and snobbish.

Chinese: 猴 (Hóu)
Earthly Branches: Shen (申)
Energy: Yang
Five Elements: Metal (Jin)

Lucky things

Lucky Flowers: Chrysanthemum
Lucky Gemstone: Peridot
Lucky Numbers: 1, 7, 8
Lucky Colors: White, Golden, Blue
Lucky Directions: North, Northwest, West
Best Match: Rat, Dragon, Snake

Unlucky things

Unlucky Numbers: 2, 5, 9
Unlucky Colors: Red, Black, Grey
Unlucky Direction: South, Southeast
Worst Match: Tiger, Pig

Personality traits

The monkey is a kind of wise and flexible creature, looks like the human most. The biologist Charles Darwin has written in his book On the Origin of Species that Humans are evolved from apes. So, the monkey can be as clever as the humans to some extent. You can also get this from the Monkey King, the main character in one of the four famous Chinese novels - Journey to the West. By using his wisdom, the Monkey King defeats the evil spirits and ghosts, helping his companions finish the journey to the West successfully.

The people born in the year of the monkey are of great intellects and skillful. They are usually good leaders. Quick and intelligent as they are, they can win prizes frequently from childhood, thus, often appreciated by parents and teachers. Besides, they are most in good physical conditions. Not only good in fortune when they are young, but also perfect after middle ages. As they are good at saving up money, they usually live lives without worrying about food and clothing.

The people under the sign of the monkey are sometimes a bit quick-tempered. This may hinder them from getting success. So, they should learn to be patient to overcome. They also like to project themselves to attract others. As they have extraordinary ability to distinguish between things, they can always make good decisions. In their families, they are usually considerate and thoughtful.

Male personality traits

Male Monkeys are intelligent, enthusiastic, confident, motivated, responsible, mostly talented in financial management and practical. They are humorous, romantic, versatile and sociable, and always can get along well with people. At the same time, Monkey men are competitive, vain, green-eyed, untrammelled by convention, careless, sloppy and volatile. Sometimes, they would play petty tricks, thus are unconvincing despite the uncommon brilliance and skill of dealing with all men.

When it comes to love and relationship, make Monkeys tend to fall for the lively women of special personality and give priority to the common language and interest while choosing a partner. They are vigorous lovers wishing to be praised and to enjoy the pleasant and exciting atmosphere. With no time to act according to circumstances, they are only interested in the long-term relationship.

As for career, Monkey men are talented in creation and capable of interpretation. They are good storytellers who like to talk and have the talent of telling coherent stories, thus most suited to work in small groups where their artistic abilities are valued and they can communicate. When the deadline approaches, they would get grumpy since they are extremely concerned about the work results. They prefer to work alone and freely in their interested areas rather than work as superiors.

Female personality traits

Female Monkeys are smart and easy-going. They are beautiful, sociable, charming and good at enlivening the atmosphere, thus always the focus of social places. Most of them are fond of artistic performance and talented in acting. The cheerful and energetic Monkey women never compromise to any setbacks. Instead, they would adjust in time to meet the challenge and forge ahead bravely towards the established goals. Of course, they have the unique personality common to people under the Monkey sign: competitive, resourceful and shrewd in money matters.

With a strong sense of superiority, Monkey women are very proud and a little selfish in life. They are lively and active and don't like being in a rut. Always tidy and well-dressed, they pay special attention to hairstyles and dress up as smartly and beautifully as possible. In addition to participating in various social activities, they also find time to develop hobbies. Monkey girls are usually the most fashionable in the city. They are sociable, resourceful and talented in mixing with people. Besides, they never give money easily, thus can accumulate a good fortune.

The confident and charming female Monkeys tend to be proactive in love and relationship. They don't like to wait and could express their inner thoughts when they fall for someone. What's more, they dress up to the nines, which improves their chances to start a relationship. They are strict in choosing a partner and wish their partners have an attractive personality.

Every female Monkey is a potential able woman who can stay calm in the face of changing situations and always can find a solution to any difficulty by making a painstaking investigation. As the natural all-rounder, they can carve a niche no matter in what industry.


The people born in the year of the Monkey could be attracted by the Rat people. The Rat always absorbs the merits of the Monkey to help pushing their business forward. The Dragon also can inspire from the wisdom of the Monkey. As Snake and Monkey are in the Six Compatible Groups of Chinese Zodiac, they could coordinate with each other well no matter as a couple or as partners in business.

The people born in the year of the Rabbit, Sheep, Dog, Horse and Ox like to intake good points of the Monkey to improve competitiveness. Besides, the people under the Rooster sign like to cooperate with the wise Monkey as well.

However, the Monkey should never show off in front of the Tiger in competition, because the Tiger is easy to be enraged and make reprisals. Also, the Tiger should avoid dabbling with things of the Monkey for this may make them open to attack. In relationship with the Pig, it’s said the monkey couldn’t live long with the pig after marriage. But in many cases, they could be a good pair and partner if both of them are tolerant.


The Monkey people like the challenge. Therefore, those exciting, speculative and challenging jobs are fit to them. Jobs such as professional sportsmen, stockbrokers, lawyer etc. are ideal ones for them. Besides, jobs like actors, writers, journalists and diplomats could give more room for them to show their ability. In addition, the Monkey are suitable to work in the industries of construction, real estate, hardware, household electrical appliance, catering trade, software, site management, E-commerce, insurance, banking and more.

Best Work Partners: Snake, Rat and Dragon
Best Age to Start a Business: 40 – 50
Best Career Field: Risk Investment
Best Business to Do: Maternal and Infant Store, Toy Store
Best Direction for Career: South and Southeast


Those born in the year of Monkey are cheerful, optimistic, intelligent, witty and full of practical spirit. They attach great importance to love and hold an optimistic attitude towards things related to the relationship. Monkeys like to be free and hate being bound by others. Once they feel uncomfortable and are bound beyond the bottom line, they will run away immediately.

The romantic Monkey people are crazy for romance and their love will never go boring and depressing. Determined and persistent in love, Monkeys will try every means to win the heart of their crush with sincerity and hence enjoy a good relationship.

People of Monkey sign are very absorbed in love relationship and they value the feeling. For them, the biggest weakness is that they expect too much about romance and always long for a special love, thus miss those who really care about them in daily life.

Another fatal weakness of Monkeys is their 3-minute passion which may ruin the relationship. They can be very passionate when they are head over heels in love but become a little cold and indifferent after that. For this reason, they are suggested to remain passionate to get the feeling of novelty.

Trust and inclusion are required to maintain the relationship with a Monkey who has two faces in love and is different when being alone and living together. As a result, you need to ignore the details and move him/her with your tolerance and trust.

Monkey will be in the following years:

12 February 1956  –  30 January 1957
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - red. Element - fire.

29 January 1968  –  15 February 1969
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - brown. Element - earth.

16 February 1980  –  04 February 1981
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - white. Element - metal.

03 February 1992  –  21 January 1993
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - blue. Element - water.

22 January 2004  –  08 February 2005
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - green. Element - wood.

08 February 2016  –  27 January 2017
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - red. Element - fire.

26 January 2028  –  12 February 2029
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - brown. Element - earth.

12 February 2040  –  31 January 2041
Yang (male year, sun and light, sky and day). Colour - white. Element - metal.

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