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Lunar calendar and horoscope on 15 January 2030

Category: Horoscopes » Daily » Lunar » 2030

Date: 15 January 2030
Day of the week: Tuesday

Moon rise: in 12 hrs. 33 min.
Moon sunset: in 05 hrs. 25 min.
Moon illumination percentage: 83%

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Lunar zodiac
GeminiGemini. The Moon is always moving which means that even if you were born with the Moon in another sign, we are all honorary Geminis once a month. When the Moon is moving through Gemini, regardless of how we normally feel, we may be a little bit more scattered during this time. Astrologers would categorize the Gemini Moon personality as easily distracted - it’s hard to focus when there’s always something else that could use our attention.
Every separate event seems like the most significant one, yet each one takes its turn in the spotlight and then quickly fades away. Take advantage of the Gemini Moon’s mutable atmosphere by changing your mind about something, or seeing another side of an issue you’ve been stuck on.... More
Lunar day
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 12 hrs. 33 min.
12 lunar day12 lunar day. The symbol is the heart and the cup (the Grail). The cup, which is the symbol of this day, is the cup of the sacrament, the mystery of which is associated with this day. Purification, the discovery of the Cosmic mystery, contact with Divine wisdom, comprehension of the sacrament. Tasting the drink of the sacrament, a person seemed to plunge into the very depths of the fall, pass through suffering, purify himself, and if he did not break Divine Law. It is a learned wisdom, having received that, a person must carry it to others, serve as a source of Light for them, supporting them and lighting their path.
In the Zoroastrian tradition, the 12th day of the Moon is associated with the Haurwat, symbolizing the integrity, health, carrying the full cup, from which the more you give, the sooner it again re-encompasses itself. Medieval astrologers connected this day with the Cup of the Holy Grail, to which the blood of Christ fell, - the mystery of the Holy Grail is played on this day. The mo... More
From 12 hrs. 33 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
13 lunar day13 lunar day. A symbol is a wheel, a spinning wheel, a circle, a snake biting its tail. A wheel with a swastika inside. Swastika symbolizes movement, primarily - blood, intestinal peristalsis, circulation of qi (prana) energy through the channels of our body. The swastika, going clockwise, symbolizes the eternal movement, for example, the movement of the sun, blood circulation, intestinal peristalsis, movement of energy through the channels of our body.
Energy magic on this day prevails, the day is good for working with karma, there is a correction of the past, the accumulation of information and contacts. Contacts can be made with other worlds. This day it is good to make round talismans, spinning threads, baking bread. It is also recommended that you practice cosmetic procedures and load your stomach.
The first part of the day will be very unfavorable. It will preserve the negative trends of the past day. But if a person can overcome the test of pride, then he will have new opportunities, wh... More
Lunar phase
12 lunar dayThe moon is in the Waxing crescent phase. The second lunar phase is the gap between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, a very pronounced activity.
In the business sector, a favorable time begins for the implementation of planned tasks, solving difficult questions and problems. Cases requiring a lot of activity will be easy to give.
During the second lunar phase, physical activity can be useful, it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Favorable changes in absolutely all areas of activity, both in relationships on a personal plan, and in business.
A good time for moving, traveling, changing the type of activity. Vital energy gathers more and closer to the full moon, its peak is noted. This period is distinguished by emotional outbreaks, increasingly conflicts, the occurrence of traumatic situations.
Day of the week
Day of the week: TuesdayTuesday. Tuesday is controlled by the fiery Mars - the warrior planet. Mars has a sharp character, it can make us look for thrills on Tuesday, provoke us to harsh statements and actions. Fiery, assertive Mars gives us decisiveness, courage, willpower, therefore Tuesday is the most suitable day for the manifestation of strong features of his character. If someone considers you a rag, a dodger, it is easiest to prove the opposite to him on Tuesday. On this day, you can prove to yourself that you are a strong person. Mars will help you decide on something that previously lacked courage.
Mars is a planet of speed, uncontrolled desires, instincts. On Tuesday, "procrastination is like death". This day is better not to put off anything until later, and if you tell someone: “Why do today what can be postponed until tomorrow?” - your authority will drop in his eyes. Such words can be said on Saturday - the day of calm Saturn, but not on Tuesday. Try to do everything quickly on Tuesday a... More

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