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Lunar calendar and horoscope on 27 December 2025

Category: Horoscopes » Daily » Lunar » 2025

Date: 27 December 2025
Day of the week: Saturday

Moon rise: in 11 hrs. 54 min.
Moon sunset: in -
Moon illumination percentage: 46%

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Lunar zodiac
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 11 hrs. 02 min.
PiscesPisces. No matter what Sun sign you are, for a couple of days a month we all feel a little bit like a Pisces. When the Moon is in the whimsical sign of Pisces, you’ll find yourself drifting and dreaming. Forget that pressured series of events in your day planner, and don’t bother checking your watch. This lunation will have you more concerned with the thoughts that are dancing through your mind than the realities of your everyday life. Your intuition will be heightened, and you’ll accomplish more by letting your instincts guide you.
Because emotions are on overdrive during the Pisces Moon, you’ll have a sensitivity and receptivity to the world around you. This will be a time when you’ll feel sentimental, and wanting to connect with your loved ones in an effort to be closer to them. Don’t be surprised if you get a little misty during television commercials - this is just how this Moon affects us.... More
From 11 hrs. 02 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
AriesAries. Regardless of what your Moon sign is, for a couple of days each month we are all affected by the transiting Aries Moon. While the Moon is in Aries, we all are a little bit faster to react. We’re all a little bit more intrigued by doing something we’ve never done before. We’re all a little bit more willing to take a risk or take a gamble by pushing into the unknown.
The weatherman may say rain, but expect some Sun to shoot through the clouds during this lunation. Aries Moon draws fire into the atmosphere, stimulating life force and vitality. You’re alive, filled with your own thoughts -- it’s all about you today. Trouble is, everyone else is in the same place. Imagine a playing field with plenty of loose cannons. That’s the Aries Moon transit.
During this time, insensitive remarks can land at missile speed and detonate into conflicts. The good news is they’ll end just as quickly as they began. This Moon goes against teamwork, but it’s auspicious f... More
Lunar day
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 11 hrs. 54 min.
8 lunar day8 lunar day. The symbol is the bird of the sirin, the phoenix, the treasure, the fire, the peacocks, the misfortune. Color - red-black (the color of a dying flame). Phoenix, burning and transforming. Here the symbol is Prosperpine, associated with the Twins.
This lunar day can be called a day of purification, repentance, absolution of sins and alchemy. At this time, it is also good to starve and clean the intestines, as well as to make medicines for all diseases. Under no circumstances can one be selfish and dissolute.
This period is difficult, because there are still unsolved problems, but the old goals and plans will require spending much more time on them. It is necessary to try to attract new employees and partners in their plans. At this time, the relationship in the team can change, so you need to be discreet and prudent. Also, this period of time is characterized by the transition to the new stage of development, which means that it will be necessary to change their tactics in time in ... More
From 11 hrs. 54 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
9 lunar day9 lunar day. Symbol - bat. The first day after the quadrature of the Moon and the Sun. One of the good symbols of this day is the Milky Way, as well as mother's milk.
This day is considered satanic. He brings with him various illusions, bad signs and deception, which must be analyzed and comprehended. On this lunar day, poisoning can also occur, torment nightmares at night. It is also necessary to be cleansed of astral and physical slags, engage in power exercises and forgive abusers. It is also not very recommended to look in the mirror. Even the bad signs include spilled milk (if the mother has milk on that day, the child may be punished). A good sign in this period will be a cactus that has blossomed.
This is a period of disharmony. And this is due to delusions, deceptions and various complications. You may have the desire to avoid problems and escape responsibility. There may also be a feeling of dissatisfaction with your surroundings. Thus, people spiritual, can get rid of this day and s... More
Lunar phase
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 22 hrs. 09 min.
The moon is in phase Waxing crescent. The first lunar phase counts from the new moon to the beginning of the first quarter of the moon (beginning of the second phase). At this time, the moon is located at the beginning of its growth. The first phase is characterized by an increase in energy for accomplishing planned tasks.
During this period, it is recommended to make plans and start new projects, weigh and outline development plans for new ideas, carefully analyze problems and questions, both for the future period and those that remain unrealized from the previous lunar month.
At the physiological level, in the first lunar phase, the body accumulates strength. Energy is still quite small in all areas of life, whether it is health, personal life or business.
As in work, in the personal sphere, there is a stage of rethinking the current relationship and it is likely to bring them to the highest level. New connections and acquaintances quickly arise. Together with the growth of the moon during this period, vital energy also increases.
In 22 hrs. 09 min.
The moon is in phase First quarter. The most favorable time for all kinds of endeavors. Any business, the implementation of which began with the growth of the Moon, acquires an additional impulse and energy for its development.
From a medical point of view, the influence of the growth of the lunar disk is somewhat negative, since the healing rate of damaged tissues slows down, which can lead to some complications.
From 22 hrs. 09 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
The moon is in the Waxing crescent phase. The second lunar phase is the gap between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, a very pronounced activity.
In the business sector, a favorable time begins for the implementation of planned tasks, solving difficult questions and problems. Cases requiring a lot of activity will be easy to give.
During the second lunar phase, physical activity can be useful, it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Favorable changes in absolutely all areas of activity, both in relationships on a personal plan, and in business.
A good time for moving, traveling, changing the type of activity. Vital energy gathers more and closer to the full moon, its peak is noted. This period is distinguished by emotional outbreaks, increasingly conflicts, the occurrence of traumatic situations.
Day of the week
Day of the week: SaturdaySaturday. Strict Saturn, the planet of limitations, calls us to restore order in things, relationships, in our feelings, desires and thoughts. Many people on this day understand how much is superfluous in their lives, and seek to get rid of it. Saturday is the best day for passive rest, since any movement, except the slowest, is disgusting to Saturn. The best way to feel happy on this day is to limit your needs, try to eat less, speak less and give less importance to your desires and mood.
Thanks to the energy of strict Saturn, Saturday can be called the day of restrictions. Whatever you communicate with on this day, try to express your thoughts briefly, do not engage in long speeches. Do not say unnecessary words and phrases that are not directly related to the issues discussed, do not talk about your feelings and hardships. If you are going to visit that day, promise the owners of the house that they will not stay long. It is very profitable to go shopping on Saturday, because the... More

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