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Lunar calendar and horoscope on 2 October 2024

Category: Horoscopes » Daily » Lunar » 2024

Date: 2 October 2024
Day of the week: Wednesday

Moon rise: in 05 hrs. 56 min.
Moon sunset: in 17 hrs. 52 min.
Moon illumination percentage: 0%

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Lunar zodiac
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 01 hrs. 20 min.
VirgoVirgo. No matter which Sun sign you were born under, for a few days each month, we all feel like a Virgo. Because Virgo loves order and cleanliness, you’ll feel a stronger urge to organize your living spaces during the Virgo Moon transit. This is also an excellent time to work on any projects as this diligent sign has an uncanny ability to analyze the critical details most of us would miss!
Virgos loves to lend a helping hand, so don’t be surprised if you are the first person to volunteer when a friend asks for a favor. Don’t be mistaken - you won’t feel obligated in the least bit. Because Virgos love to pitch in, you’ll not only want to come to someone’s aid, but you’ll also get extreme satisfaction from it. What can we say? This sign truly enjoys being of service to others.
When the Moon is in Virgo, you may feel more motivated to take your health more seriously. You might find yourself re-evaluating your diet and nutrition, or possibly taking up a new ... More
From 01 hrs. 20 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
LibraLibra. It doesn’t matter what your Moon sign is because for a couple of days a month, we all feel the influence of the transiting Libra Moon. When the Moon is in the accommodating sign of Libra, you will feel a little bit more focused on creating tranquility, beauty, and harmony all around you. Libra doesn’t just appreciate balance - Libra also seeks out imbalance and fixes it. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to play peacemaker during this transit!
When the Moon is in Libra you might also feel a bit like Ginger Rogers, and everyone and everything you meet is Fred Astaire. During this time of the Libra Moon, your mantra may be «grace in space». If you meet an obstacle or encounter resistance, you’ll be able to dance like you expected it to be there. Because Libra’s natural skills are diplomacy and negotiation, the Moon in Libra gives you the ability to use charm and tact to get what you want.... More
Lunar day
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 05 hrs. 56 min.
29 lunar day29 lunar day. Symbol - octopus, hydra, "Maya".
Such a day is very dangerous and Satanic. It is symbolized by deception, illusions, astral fog and rampant demons. At this time, one must be responsible, one must resist Satanism, fast, abstain and repent. You can engage in, from ordinary affairs, only the most important. It is necessary to drive away bad thoughts, cut off all false connections, fumigate the room, burn candles and allow the body to be cleaned. If possible, avoid darkness and cloudy water. From food preference is best given to baking. The wrong way this day will tell you the call of the trumpet, howls, musical sounds. If this month is not the thirtieth, that is, the last, lunar day, then you can sum up.
This day is very unhappy absolutely for everyone and for everything. Nothing can be started, otherwise absolutely nothing will turn out, there will be only losses and a constant "headache". Dreams on these lunar days can come true.
Absolutely not suitable for a first date. Beside... More
From 05 hrs. 56 min. to 21 hrs. 51 min.
30 lunar day30 lunar day. The symbol is a swan, a golden swan.
Day of love, repentance and forgiveness. We must give up everything unnecessary, analyze our path and try to get rid of all our sins. It is necessary to bring joy to people on this day, to pay debts, to finish the business started. You can clean the house by introducing talismans into it, work with stones. Do not use coarse food. This day is suitable for summing up various results of the month and for sacrifices. Lai dogs or dogs on this day, speaks of a mistake.
The first half will be unfavorable. On this day you need to try to arrange all the points above the "and" to decide on all past relationships, affairs plans. For contacts with new partners this is not a good time, but very successful for communicating with relatives and old reliable partners. The second half of the day will be more favorable. Increased creativity, there will be increased intuition, foresight. Dreams on this day are prophetic and give the chance to change destiny.
P... More
From 21 hrs. 51 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
1 lunar day1 lunar day. The symbol is the "third eye". A candle, a lamp, a light, but it can also be the altar of Hecate. Athena-Pallada, coming out in full armor from the head of Zeus.
On such a day it is not recommended to engage in any group work. It would be good to go back to the beginning, to remember childhood, to reflect on one's actions. You can also devote time to reading historical literature. We can say that this is a day of creative endeavors. It is advised not to take up new business on the first day of the moon, but at the same time to plan them is allowed and even very welcome. From the medical point of view, this is the day that has to be treated with alcohol. Physiologically, there is a dense knocking down of the organs.
To increase the effect of individual work, you need to contact with nature, advice from friends or relatives, you can refer to books. In this period, any overloads, grandiose plans or risky activities are also dangerous. The implementation of such plans will be in jeop... More
Lunar phase
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 21 hrs. 51 min.
The moon is in the Waning Crescent phase. The fourth lunar phase is the last phase of the lunar month. The period of the fourth quarter, which ends with a new moon. For this period, leisureliness, softness, a certain lethargy are characteristic. This time is rather passive.
Forces and energy are rapidly declining at this time. As a result of this, it is recommended to complete affairs in the fourth lunar phase, as well as to manage current ones. Fresh thoughts and ideas should be pushed to the beginning of the next lunar month. The best time to take stock.
In the fourth lunar phase, the total activity decreases. During this period, it is advisable to reduce physical and mental stress. It is recommended to avoid conflicts, both in business affairs and in personal relationships. Typically increasing the likelihood of quarrels and breakups.
People in this period are extremely sensitive, impressionable, to a large extent prone to resentment. This condition is reflected in the business sector. Therefore, in the business sphere, it is desirable to suspend significant meetings until the next phase of the lunar month.
In 21 hrs. 51 min.
The moon is in phase New Moon. This short period of time is characterized by the influence of a special energy impulse on all living things. Any undertaking is better timed to coincide with the new moon.
Started fasting, for example, or fasting day helps to remove toxins from the body, prevents the occurrence of various diseases. Ideal time to get rid of addictions.
From 21 hrs. 51 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
The moon is in phase Waxing crescent. The first lunar phase counts from the new moon to the beginning of the first quarter of the moon (beginning of the second phase). At this time, the moon is located at the beginning of its growth. The first phase is characterized by an increase in energy for accomplishing planned tasks.
During this period, it is recommended to make plans and start new projects, weigh and outline development plans for new ideas, carefully analyze problems and questions, both for the future period and those that remain unrealized from the previous lunar month.
At the physiological level, in the first lunar phase, the body accumulates strength. Energy is still quite small in all areas of life, whether it is health, personal life or business.
As in work, in the personal sphere, there is a stage of rethinking the current relationship and it is likely to bring them to the highest level. New connections and acquaintances quickly arise. Together with the growth of the moon during this period, vital energy also increases.
Day of the week
Day of the week: WednesdayWednesday. Movable Mercury controls the environment, the planet is changeable, endowing us with cunning, dexterity, talkativeness. Mercury is a fidget, he loves everything new, especially the latest news, so on Wednesday it’s hard to stay in one place, it’s hard to live without communication, without gossip and news. The clever, cunning Mercury will help you to catch luck on Wednesday by gambling, using tricky tricks in your work. On Wednesday it’s easier to outwit a person, and if you have already used all the means to achieve the goal, try to resort to tricks on Wednesday. However, look so that they do not outwit you, because even the most honest people on Wednesday can remember the tricks and not disdain them.
It is mobility and communication that will bring success on the day of Mercury. If you want someone to pay attention to you on this day, want to please others, tell them more recent news, tell all sorts of stories, especially about changes in your life or the lives of ... More

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