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Lunar calendar and horoscope on 17 June 2024

Category: Horoscopes » Daily » Lunar » 2024

Date: 17 June 2024
Day of the week: Monday

Moon rise: in 16 hrs. 14 min.
Moon sunset: in 01 hrs. 14 min.
Moon illumination percentage: 78%

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Lunar zodiac
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 09 hrs. 38 min.
LibraLibra. It doesn’t matter what your Moon sign is because for a couple of days a month, we all feel the influence of the transiting Libra Moon. When the Moon is in the accommodating sign of Libra, you will feel a little bit more focused on creating tranquility, beauty, and harmony all around you. Libra doesn’t just appreciate balance - Libra also seeks out imbalance and fixes it. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to play peacemaker during this transit!
When the Moon is in Libra you might also feel a bit like Ginger Rogers, and everyone and everything you meet is Fred Astaire. During this time of the Libra Moon, your mantra may be «grace in space». If you meet an obstacle or encounter resistance, you’ll be able to dance like you expected it to be there. Because Libra’s natural skills are diplomacy and negotiation, the Moon in Libra gives you the ability to use charm and tact to get what you want.... More
From 09 hrs. 38 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
ScorpioScorpio. Regardless of what your Moon sign is, for a couple of days each month we will all feel the influence of the Scorpio Moon. This means you’ll react a little more sharply and with that stinger Scorpio is known for. You may feel things a little more passionately, or you may be willing to go to extremes that you might not otherwise go to. The Moon in Scorpio isn’t known for being low-key!
This is also a time of when you’ll look within to truly understand the depths of your feelings. This period of introspection could lead to greater self-awareness as well as an awareness of those around you. The ability to get in touch with the intricacy of your own emotions gives you the insight needed to understand others’ motivations. Don’t be surprised if you have a few light bulb moments during this time.... More
Lunar day
From 00 hrs. 00 min. to 16 hrs. 14 min.
11 lunar day11 lunar day. A symbol is a labyrinth, a fiery sword, a crown, a ridge, a sparkling crown. The hidden symbol is a labyrinth, where a person must conquer the Minotaur.
On energy, he is the most powerful of the lunar days. Care must be taken when doing anything. During these days, you can clean, after proper preparation, to pray. It is better to avoid all kinds of physical activities, especially if you are not cleaned up and do not know something. This day, you can not cut anything, kill insects, and generally do not touch them. A bad sign is the fall of knives or forks.
On the other hand, this day brings the possibility of materializing almost all the positive moments that appeared at the very beginning of the lunar cycle or on its good days. In parallel, all negative influences from the precursory are neutralized, and consequently all your deliberate actions will have many chances of success. Increases personal charisma, sexual potential, vitality. In general, many things that begin on such a ... More
From 16 hrs. 14 min. to 24 hrs. 00 min.
12 lunar day12 lunar day. The symbol is the heart and the cup (the Grail). The cup, which is the symbol of this day, is the cup of the sacrament, the mystery of which is associated with this day. Purification, the discovery of the Cosmic mystery, contact with Divine wisdom, comprehension of the sacrament. Tasting the drink of the sacrament, a person seemed to plunge into the very depths of the fall, pass through suffering, purify himself, and if he did not break Divine Law. It is a learned wisdom, having received that, a person must carry it to others, serve as a source of Light for them, supporting them and lighting their path.
In the Zoroastrian tradition, the 12th day of the Moon is associated with the Haurwat, symbolizing the integrity, health, carrying the full cup, from which the more you give, the sooner it again re-encompasses itself. Medieval astrologers connected this day with the Cup of the Holy Grail, to which the blood of Christ fell, - the mystery of the Holy Grail is played on this day. The mo... More
Lunar phase
11 lunar dayThe moon is in the Waxing crescent phase. The second lunar phase is the gap between the first lunar quarter and the full moon. During this period, the active growth of the moon continues. The second phase is characterized by an even more significant increase in energy and internal forces, a very pronounced activity.
In the business sector, a favorable time begins for the implementation of planned tasks, solving difficult questions and problems. Cases requiring a lot of activity will be easy to give.
During the second lunar phase, physical activity can be useful, it is during this period that it is good to start new workouts. Favorable changes in absolutely all areas of activity, both in relationships on a personal plan, and in business.
A good time for moving, traveling, changing the type of activity. Vital energy gathers more and closer to the full moon, its peak is noted. This period is distinguished by emotional outbreaks, increasingly conflicts, the occurrence of traumatic situations.
Day of the week
Day of the week: MondayMonday. Monday is called a difficult day, and for good reason, because it is controlled by an emotional, impressionable moon. The moon is associated with the mental state of a person, so on Monday it is more difficult to remain calm to annoying factors, it is difficult to calmly listen to criticism. On this day, we all become more sensitive, emotionally vulnerable, it is easier for us to become discouraged, to succumb to the influence of others and the influx of bad mood. And if on Monday we have whiners, gloomy pessimists, then we can become the same, our mood will be strongly influenced by those around us, and especially people with a lunar character: emotional, vulnerable, tearful, pessimistic. The crowd, whoever it is composed of, is subject to the influence of the emotional Moon, therefore, if on Monday a person is among the crowd, his soul becomes even more vulnerable, which can lead to a deterioration of mood.
The emotional Moon inclines to a spiritual conversation, and if ... More

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